22 June 2019 proved to be an important milestone for IATEFL BESIG, as on this day the IATEFL BESIG Online Team hosted the 3rd IATEFL BESIG Online Symposium. The theme of the event was Future-proofing Business English Teaching and was inspired by Michael Carrier’s keynote at the 31st IATEFL BESIG Annual Conference in Iasi 2018.
In seven hours we travelled the world and featured JALT BizCom SIG from Japan, ELT@I BESIG from India, IATEFL Hungary BESIG, IATEFL Poland BESIG, ELTABB from Germany, BRAZ-TESOL BESIG from Brazil, APIBA from Argentina, IATEFL Peru BESIG, as well as a segment from members of the IATEFL BESIG itself. All the slots featured exciting talks and interactive discussions and swap shops.
The special guest of the event was Michael Carrier himself.
The recordings are available to IATEFL BESIG members. Another reason to join us today.