Linking, developing and supporting business English teaching worldwide.

IATEFL BESIG Annual Conference in Bielefeld, Germany. 2010.

BESIG is the Business English Special Interest Group of IATEFL. With over 400 members from all over the world, we are one of the largest professional bodies that represents the interests and serves the needs of the international business English teaching community.

IATEFL BESIG brings together business English teachers, teacher trainers, materials writers, and others interested in the teaching of English for business related purposes.

Our mission is to link, develop and support business English language teaching professionals worldwide.

We do this by:

  • Forging relationships with business and educational organisations to keep up-to-date with business learners’ needs and the teaching resources to meet these needs.
  • Partnering with business teachers’ associations around the world to share best practices.
  • Raising members’ awareness of global issues in a business context.

IATEFL BESIG PCE in Birmingham, UK. 2016.

IATEFL BESIG offers members and non-members alike a wide range of possibilities for continued professional development and networking. Members enjoy the following additional benefits:

Our mission

Our mission is to link, develop and support business English language teaching professionals worldwide.

Get Involved

Now that you know about us, we want to get to know you. Find out how you can get involved with IATEFL BESIG work today!


With over 4,000 members on 6 continents, IATEFL is a thriving, global community of ELT teachers. Join IATEFL to join its Business English Special Interest Group!


Volunteer on one of IATEFL BESIG’s teams. IATEFL BESIG has permanent online and editorial teams, as well as temporary face-to-face and online event teams. Everyone is welcome.

Attend an event

IATEFL BESIG organises a range of face-to-face and online events throughout the year. Members and non-member are welcome as speakers, volunteers and delegates. Register today!
