As you know IATEFL BESIG is run by volunteers. These include committee members who run the SIG, as well as several other volunteers who help with specific tasks. More details, including the benefits of volunteering, are available on the website.
You may already be aware that three of the current committee will be stepping down at the annual conference in November, having finished their terms, and we are therefore looking for replacements. The vacancies are as follows: Events Coordinator, Newsletter Editor, and Administration and Development Coordinator. Detailed descriptions of each role are available here, although you should note that they are not set in stone, and there is some flexibility if necessary.
The procedure is quite simple. Candidates for election complete a nomination form and provide a personal statement which are made available to all SIG members. If only one candidate fulfills the criteria in the call for nominations an election will not be necessary, and the sole candidate will be elected unopposed. If two or more nominations for a position are received an online election will be held from 30 October to 15 November 2018. The results will be announced at the annual conference in Iasi. You can find a nomination form for each role at the links below:
Events Coordinator
Newsletter Editor
Administration and Development Coordinator
Please note that the IATEFL guidelines state that, as a rule, only current members of the SIG, who have been members for one year or more, may stand for election to the Committee. Members are elected to serve for three years.
If you are interested in nominating yourself or another member please submit the attached nomination form by 25 October 2018. Of course, if you are unsure or would like to find out more please feel free to contact either of us or indeed any of the current incumbents.
Dana Poklepovic and Evan Frendo
IATEFL BESIG Joint Coordinators
[email protected]
[email protected]