Life's a give and take and IATEFL BESIG members are renowned for their willingness to share. In this spirit of giving back to and sharing with the community, we invite you to send your best classroom activity to [email protected].
All contributions that meet the criteria below will be published in the new “Takeaways'' feature of the forthcoming edition of Business Issues. The winning contributor will take away the prize of a 1-year free IATEFL membership subscription!
The prize consists of
a year’s membership to IATEFL, including IATEFL BESIG.
To qualify you must:
- have been a member of IATEFL BESIG for at least a year
- have participated in IATEFL BESIG (e.g. contributed to the monthly discussion topic on Facebook, written a post for the IATEFL BESIG Blog or an article for the newsletter, attended an online webinar or workshop, organised or participated in a local event)
To be considered you should submit:
- a 500-word classroom activity idea that can be used as a quick takeaway for readers
- a photo for inclusion in Business Issues, the IATEFL BESIG newsletter, and on the website
- a short bio of 30 words or fewer
Design Criteria:
- Audience and purpose are clear:
- Who is this activity intended to be used with?
- What is the intended outcome of this activity?
- Instructions are well laid out and clear:
- Is it visually appealing?
- Is the learner likely to be engaged by the activity?
- Are the instructions clear enough for the teacher to execute the ideas easily?
- Content is appropriate for the business English context