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The Fair List

IATEFL BESIG has been a Fair List winner in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2023.

IATEFL BESIG is proud to announce that the SIG has received an award from The Fair List for gender balance for many of our PCEs and Online events at the IATEFL Annual Conferences for the sixth year running.

The Fair List is an annual award that celebrates excellence of gender balance in plenary speakers, presenters and speaker panels at ELT events, in the UK. We believe that better gender balance at UK ELT events ensures wider coverage of relevant topics and a more balanced perspective on the issues affecting both women and men in their professional lives.

For more information visit their website: The Fair List

The Fair List
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EVE: Equal Voices in ELT

IATEFL BESIG is proud to announce that the SIG has received an award from EVE for gender balance for our 33rd and 34th Annual Conference events.

What?  EVE stands for Equal Voices in ELT. It is an initiative created to recognise both gender and highly proficient speaker * parity in keynote and plenary line-ups* for ELT conferences and events worldwide. Events can be face-to-face or online.


For more information visit their website: EVE

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